Everything and Nothing

Hey folks! I’ve been a bad blogger lately, hence the week long lag between posts. It seems like there’s a bit of everything and a whole lotta nothing going on with me. *lol* I’ve been working hard on a homework assignment for my writing class. I...

Am I the Only One?

Whew, maybe I do have a “hard heart”. In case you’ve been out of the news loop, you can read all about it here. I’ll summarize, a Sacramento radio station held a contest. Participants attempted to out drink each other and not go to the...

Fulfilling Goals

Hi all! I hope that everyone is doing well. I’ve got about 10 post started, but I haven’t felt like finishing them. *lol* Shoot me!Way back when I started my blog, I did a “Then and Now” Meme. The last question was, “Looking back, are you...

A Touch of Sarcism and A Little Bit of Cynicism!!

A co-worker sent me this link and I’ve been laughing like crazy. Check out this site for more “demotivating” slides. Since blogger has a mind of it’s own, I was only to post one of my favorites. I’ve got a really sarcastic sense of humor...

Happy New Year!

Hey, hey Blogworld! Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season and that the new year has begun wonderfully. I’ve been sick since December 28, thus the posting hiatus. One million and one topics (ranging from the obscure and silly to the relevant and serious)...

Ride or Die Friends (Inspired by Diva in Demand)

Yesterday, Diva in Demand talked about Ride or Die Friends. The kind of folks that you may not kick it with everyday, or share every one of lifes little details, but you can call them in a pinch when you need someone – to roll with, to stalk *lol*, to complete a...


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