Yesterday, Diva in Demand talked about Ride or Die Friends. The kind of folks that you may not kick it with everyday, or share every one of lifes little details, but you can call them in a pinch when you need someone – to roll with, to stalk *lol*, to complete a mission, to handle business. That’s a brief explanation. Almost anything within reason is expected from a ride or die friend. I’m not going buy or hold any drugs for you, nor should you expect me carry a loaded gun through Reagan Airport. But since I don’t have the kinds of friends that would be involved in that type of ish normally, I don’t really have to worry about that phone call. Put it like this, you’ll know if you have some ride or die friends. 🙂 If you don’t understand the term or the explanation, you may not have any. *lol*

Anyway, I have 3. Yesterday, I mentioned 2, but I actually have 4. Oops! Diamond Diva, who lives in MD, CSI who lives in Atlanta, Monie Love in Northern Virginia and my old friend Beanie (not sure where she is). We’ve followed folks, “borrowed” cell phones to check call histories, gotten into fist fights, bailed each other out of jail, accompanied each other on visits to hospitals, jails, federal prisons and funeral homes, and spent a night in jail together.

One memorable night found us in DC, at the old Mirage night club. Now, ya girl is not a regular club hopper, but Diamond Diva, CSI and Monie Love are. So every 6 or 7 months, they guilt me and drag me out. For those that have never been to the Mirage in DC, it was a pretty bare bores, yucky kinda club. Kind of a last resort or a “I don’t feel like dressing up, but I wanna go out” club; even jeans flew on Saturday nights. Admission was cheap, drinks were strong, music was good and the men actually danced (ok they grinded, but close enough). So the girls, myself and 3 other “associates” headed out for a Saturday night of fun.

Fast forward to 2am, we’re ready to leave and head uptown to Yums for the mandatory after the club food. Diamond Diva has a little too much to drink and she decides that although she’s only ever fought her older brother, she’s ready to battle a girl that supposedly stepped on her foot. WTF? Oh, alcohol dreams! Well, we had no choice but to join in. The 3 associates disappeared faster than crabcakes on a free buffet. CSI, Monie Love and I joined Diamond Diva and her Rum and Coke inspired bravado into a 4 (us) on 6 (them) full on girl fight. ‘Cause as a ride or die friend doesn’t ask punches when the punches start flying, they just start punching.

No need to give the blow by blow of the fight, but we won and we all spent a night in the pookie! None of us have a police record, but we’ve got one helluva night of memories!! To my ride or die girls, I love ya!! If you have some, reach out and give them a holla today!


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