Hey folks! I’ve been a bad blogger lately, hence the week long lag between posts. It seems like there’s a bit of everything and a whole lotta nothing going on with me. *lol* I’ve been working hard on a homework assignment for my writing class. I haven’t been visiting my normal blogs, but I’ll catch up this weekend. A few thoughts:

  • At my job, I work with a group of co-workers called, The Human Relations Committee. We sponsor events like the annual field day picnic, angel trees during the holidays, coat and book drive for local shelters and community centers, etc. One of my responsibilities is to create the display board, acknowledging “the month” – February/Black History, March/Women’s History, etc. So, this morning, I ask the Graphics Arts Dude (GAD) to make a title banner for Black History Month. He brought me a banner in Times New Roman font, black letters and no border. Huh? Uh, yeah, GAD, I could have done that. So I asked him what’s up? Normally the banners he give me are great. Fun fonts, with creative borders, etc. He says, “Well, someone came by after last month’s display and suggested that I used a plainer font. They thought that someone might take offense and consider the fonts too ethnic.” WTF? Since when do fonts have an ethnic component? I rolled my eyes and walked away.
  • I just don’t know what to make of this case. Not sure if it made national news, so I’ll summarize. A young woman, Sintia Mesa, lived in the DC Metro area and traveled to Baltimore every Friday for her personal appointments (hair and nails). The original reports were that she was missing and the family made pleas for her safe return. She had a sweet smile and an innocent face. Unfortunately, she was found murdered in the trunk of her car. Damn. Another tragic death. Then more of the story began to emerge. Hmm, maybe Ms. Mesa wasn’t so innocent. Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I didn’t wish the young lady harm, nor do I think that anyone deserves to be murdered. However, the facts of the case are a bit on the shady side (a boyfriend, an arrest, drugs, money in a storage unit, tracking devices, the ATF, etc). I’d like to get to the bottom of the story.
  • It’s 11:15pm and there ain’t a lick of snow or ice on the ground. Why are 2 DC Charter Schools closed tomorrow because of “inclement conditions”? That’s what the news anchor just said. Call me Stevie Wonder, cause I can’t see it.
  • So far, I’ve met 3 local DC bloggers: Creole Princess, TenderHeart and Honest. Great, great ladies that I really enjoyed meeting. Based on the local folks that I read, I think it would be interesting to meet Bklyn Diva, The Hostess, LaBella Noire, Fresh, Thinking and Enigma. Their blogs amuse me and/or make me think. I hope this isn’t interpreted as blog sweating or stalking. *lol* These folks just give me the “sane, cool peeps vibe”. And now, I’ve clearly given them the “crazy woman” vibe.
  • Why am I hooked on watching “A Different World” in reruns? I think I’ve seen every single episode at least 5 times and I still look forward to them.

  • The marketing campaign for the Cartoon Networks, “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” and the overanxious folks in Boston gave me the best laugh of the week. This deserves an 80’s throwback – CHILL OUT!!
  • I’m normally a pretty tech savvy person, but I’m having the damnedest time figuring out how to add a Blog Roll to my page. *lol* Can somebody who has mastered that in Blogger help ya girl out? Thanks in advance!

I’ll talk to ya’ll later!


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