Hi all! I hope that everyone is doing well. I’ve got about 10 post started, but I haven’t felt like finishing them. *lol* Shoot me!

Way back when I started my blog, I did a “Then and Now” Meme. The last question was, “Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2006?” and part of my answer was, “Thought I’d have finished writing my first book.” Well, I’m still working on it. I’ve been writing alot lately, but I’ve got a little ways yet to go. I decided that I would finish my first draft in 2007. I miss the community of writers that I used to commune with and I believe that it’s stunted some of my creative juices. That’s a bit of an excuse, but let me use it, ok? 🙂

Recently, I heard of a 14 week Creative Writing Workshop, at a local University, with a brilliant published author leading the course. So, I thought about it, printed out the first 20 pages of my manuscript and claimed a spot in that class for myself. *lol* Gotta think positive, ya know?

Well, I got great news over the weekend. I got in!! I’m so excited ya’ll. I think this is the path that I’m supposed to be on. I feel like I’m on top of the world and that this book WILL BE completed in 2007. It’s one of my goals for 2007.

What about ya’ll? Have you made any goals for 2007? If so, what are you doing to achieve them? Let’s talk about it, send some positive energy into the atmosphere and make it happen!


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