• I chose not to watch the BET Awards tonight, nor did I sign on to FB because I figured a good number of my friends would be live updating about it.  Just checked – I was right.  I didn’t miss much.  Check out Creole in DC if you want a hilarious, blow-by-blow account of what happened.  #betterthantheshow
  • Love Idris Elba, but Legacy was a wack azz movie.  Ugh.
  • I’ll never try to be productive in the middle of the night again.  I had walked past overripe bananas one too many times, so I decided to whip up a quick pan of banana bread.  Um…yeah.  That was a fail.  At 3am with the lights dim and while tip toeing so as not to wake the others, ground cinnamon and ground red pepper looked quite similar.  They are not.
  • Why do I receive so many random magazines that I never heard of and surely didn’t subscribe too?  This stack next to desk is huge.  Vegetarian Times???  Ick.  Please someone take it away.  We are carnivores in this camp.
  • Small wooden blocks owned by one LittleTDJ are destined to take me out.  Benefit?  He’s learning his letters and numbers.  Cost?  Tonight a stubbed toe and bruised sole, but inevitably I feel a twisted ankle in my future.
  • I love my friends.  They are THE BEST!
  • My accent challenge vlog has not happened yet.  MrTDJ asked me why and I didn’t answer.  He laughed and said, “Bet you don’t know how to use the camera on your laptop, do you?”   **crickets**  In my defense, it’s only a year old ya’ll.  I haven’t had time to play with it.  Hush!  I’ll learn this weekend.
  • For real?  Toya’s show on BET is kinda decent.  I think she’s a sweet girl who’s working hard to push her life in the right direction.  I won’t DVR it or faint if it gets canceled, but at 3:30a, it makes for entertaining background noise.
  • 211 blogs in my google reader is just too too many.  I must purge in the near future.
  • Wait, what?  4:28 and LittleTDJ is laughing and calling my name?  Da hell????  He’s not supposed to wake up until 6:45am.
  • It’s gonna be a seriously long Monday.




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