Oops! I did it AGAIN!

Logging into my ya.hoo email account this morning, I realized that I did it again!  UGH!!!  Over and over, I find myself repeating this process.  Each time I get so mad at myself, yet in a few weeks, I’m right back in the same place.  Enough is enough.  We know...

A Little of This and A Little of That

I wish folks would evacuate the uterus of Mrs. Beyonce Knowles Carter.  Congrats to Bey and Jay on the addition to the family!  Whether they paid a surrogate, a Guatamalian immigrant, or Solange to carry the baby, does it matter?  Maybe they traveled to Kenya, Brazil...

There’s Always Next Year

Hey y’all!  I know folks like to wax poetic and “leave all the negativity” in the old year, so I debated about whether to post this or not.  For those that know me in real life (and hopefully those who read have also kinda figured out), I’m a...

A Little of This and A Little of That

Hoping everyone had a fantastic Christmas.  I had a great day with my guys – Daddy TDJ, MrTDJ and Little TDJ.  They are STILL talking about that egg nog french toast that I made.  #poppingmyapron I must be one of the 3 ppl who are actually working in my agency...

My Apology to Guy Fieri

Dear Guy Fieri, I’m not Italian, so I think my pronunciation of your last name is kinda lame.  Can I just call you Guy?  Thanks!  Where to start?  Please allow me a little latitude as I get to the point.  I had an experience Saturday night and I knew I had to...

Hmmm, Naughty or Nice?

Dear Secret Santa, I wanted to take a minute to provide you with an honest assessment of my behavior this year so that you could make a fully informed decision regarding my suitability to receive gifts.  I decided that since I blogged fairly consistently in 2011,...


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