Protection for Fools and Babies

What do you call that moment when you realize you’ve made a silly mistake? I’m not talking about traffic accidents and such, rather things of the mundane variety. Like when you receive an email from a group of coworkers and you reply to one friend while...

All Talked Out

During one of my recent nights of insomnia, I was shocked by the fact that party lines are back.  Hell, did they ever actually go away or did they just die down for a minute while the internet caught steam?  Hmmmm, something to ponder. Well, back in the day,...

Hey 35, Glad to Meet Ya!

Today is my birthday ya’ll!  Happy happy born day to me!  And I share it with one of my blog buddies, the lovely 1969!  Happy birthday big sis!  I love blogging and the bonds that I’ve formed with so many of you.  Thanks for stopping by regularly or...

Throw Your Hands Up!!!

Hey ya’ll!  Most who know me IRL and through this blog know that I have a fear of cats.  Ya didn’t know?  Well, you can read about a monumental moment here or a painful one here.  I guess fear is kinda understating it.  I have ailurophobia which is defined...

My Strange Movie Loves

Last night’s insomnia allowed me to watch one of my favorite movies.  As I was watching, it occurred to me that the film probably isn’t on anyone else’s list, minus the actors themselves and their mama’s.  I started thinking about all the films...

M – Y Crooked Finger, Crooked Finger

Ya’ll remember that song we learned in order to spell Ole Miss? Do teachers still use little tricks like that or am I totally dating myself? M – I – Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter, I , Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter, I , Humpback, Humpback, I My fear and...


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