Insomnia Ramblings

Ah, I see.  Simply put, the Xbox Kinect is like a cooler version of the Wii. Wonder if I can convince MrTDJ to buy Zumba for me.  He’ll probably say, “But you won’t use it”.  And he’d be right.  But I still want it! I just looked through...

I’m Obsessed With Christmas Music

[youtube=] My favorite “party” Christmas song! I am!!  I can’t hide it and I can’t front.  I simply love Christmas Music! My parents love it and they passed that love down to me.  While I was growing...

My Grandma Should Be On A Stage

Repost by Request – April 2007 Some of ya’ll out there know my Grandma LouLou in real life.  She’s a pistol and she should be a comedian on stage somewhere.  But, she’s never actually trying to be funny. She just tells it like she sees it and in her 81 years...

I Can’t Go For That

DiamondDiva has been my bestie for almost 20 years.  19 years and 8 months to be exact.  She and I met as teenagers, and we’ve grown into women together.  We’ve ushered each other through crushes, first loves, break ups, makes up and broken hearts....

Wise Words

Hey ya’ll!  I hope that everyone had a good holiday weekend.  I surely did.  There are a few things on my mind, so I’ll do my best to get them out later this week.  Until then, check out this quote that I read this morning. A reminder to us all, no?...


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