Bootleg Bibles

Yours truly was raised in the Baptist church.  Yep, I sure was.  Used to attend every, single Sunday with the parents.  Yep, I attended Vacation Bible School, was on the Usher Board, sang in the youth choir, worked as  a Sunday school aide, etc.  You name it, I did...

Working Day and Night

Hey blogworld!!!   How ya’ll be??? Sorry that I’ve been MIA, unable to blog, visit your blogs or reply to your emails and comments.  I’ve got still got love for each and every one of ya’ll, but they’ve been working ya girl to death.  The...

Pork Chops and Gravy

Repost from June 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY GRANDMA LULU!! Hey blogworld! What it be like folks? All is well here and I hope the same is true for all of you. I’ll be in the house all weekend this weekend, so I’m hoping to catch up on all of your blogs. Let me share a...

Insomnia Ramblings

Just watched 2 episodes of Top Chef.  Happy that my girl Tiffany is still in it!  I actually like all 5 of the “finalists”.  Hmm, 5 finalists?  That just seems weird.  I hate veal, but Antonia braised veal shank and risotto looked damned tasty. Ouch! ...

Ain’t No Harm In Tryin’, Right?

Like most women, I like to look and smell good.  Over the last two years or so, I’ve been under the bad influence of some ladies I know from an online forum and I’ve developed an addiction interest in delicious smelling bath and body products.  There is a...


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